Miscellaneous University ProjectsBelow you will find a variety of projects and assignments that I have created in my classes at UNC-Chapel Hill. In my Advertising Creative class, we were tasked with taking inspiration from the "By Way of Dallas" brand concept and applying it to somewhere that resonates with us. I chose to focus on UNC-Chapel Hill. Click the photo to view my pitch deck. Our final group project in Advertising Creative was to create a campaign to increase John Deere's brand awareness within Gen Z. Our idea was for John Deere to collaborate with Hinge for a "Love, John" campaign. Click the photo to view our pitch deck. For my Advertising Creative class, we had to create an advertising campaign for Ball Mason Jars. The deck presents a dual-faceted approach: a heartfelt video advertisement designed to evoke nostalgia and emotional connection, paired with a witty social media carousel that brings a lighter touch to the brand. Click the photo to view my pitch deck. Click the image to view my creative brief for a campaign targeting Gen Z, challenging them to "look up" from their smartphones. Developed for my Advertising Creative course, the brief outlines a strategic approach to encourage digital natives to engage more with the world around them. Click the image to view my public relations campaign designed to counteract negative super PAC advertisements by emphasizing First Amendment principles. Created for my Media Law course, the campaign draws on the history and traditions of free speech in the United States. For my Health Marketing and Communications class, we were assigned to create a public relations campaign based on a health behavior change. My group and I chose to focus on smoking cessation in Gen X. Click the photo to see our pitch deck for our "Fresh Start" campaign. Media Advisory that I created for my Public Relations Writing class. Press Release that I created for my Public Relations Writing class. Broadcast Release that I created for my Public Relations Writing class.